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Share a Hug

Share a Hug
Share a Hug
Women for Women Charity Logo

When we created our collection with Women for Women International, the design was inspired by the universal gesture for love and acceptance “ the hug.

Sadly, at the moment, we are unable to physically embrace our friends and family. However, we are all finding innovative ways to reach out, communicate and show each other how much we care.

Women for Women International helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives by enrolling them in a year-long training programme where they learn how to earn and save money, improve their family's health and make their voices heard at home and in their community.

Like us, the charity has also adapted to the new ˜reality' in the countries they operate in. Because the programme is a trusted, established source of health information, Women for Women International are able to dispel some of the myths around Covid -19 and pass on accurate and vital health education.

Women learning from demonstrations

Frontline staff and trainers have found the most effective ways to keep connected with marginalised women to ensure they have the knowledge they need. The ways in which Women for Women International communicates depends on the nuances of each particular territory.

For example, in the Democratic Republic of Congo where mobile phone ownership is low and network coverage is unreliable, staff have taken to the airwaves and are using radio to communicate. In South Sudan, the team hosts a popular weekly radio talk show.

A lady working at her radio station

Mobile technology and social media have also been key in many countries to maintain contact with vulnerable women. In Iraq, where many participants have phones, mobile phones and Snapchat are keeping the team connected with women to share health information.

In Afghanistan, where women have a harder time accessing their own personal technology, they are using the strong bonds and networks formed through the charity's year-long training programme to pass on life-saving information.

Graduates of the programme are also stepping up to get involved in prevention methods: in Bosnia & Herzegovina, women's associations have started sewing face masks to support hospital workers and police on the front lines of this pandemic and in many countries, graduates continue to produce soap, which is even more essential at this time.

Women 4 Women charity team making face masks.

Proceeds from the Share a Hug range are donated to Women for Women International and will help continue this vital work and send a virtual hug where it is most needed.

Photo credit: Women for Women International

Gold plated share a hug open ring Share a Hug Open Ring Silver share a hug necklace personalised Personalised Share a Hug Necklace Rose Gold plated necklace Personalised 9ct Share a Hug Necklace Silver share a hug open bangle Personalised Share a Hug Open Bangle

Share a Hug Charity Jewellery Collection

This collection was created by the jewellery team after Alice our founder visited war-torn Kosovo to conduct a workshop for this charity's business skills programme. Posh Totty Designs then partnered with Women for Women International, a charity that works to support women and children affected by war and conflict. Proceeds from the ‘Share A Hug’ collection go to support this vital charity. Thank you for helping us share much-needed hugs.
Women for Women International UK Charity Registration Number:  1115109.
