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Dadding It

Dadding It
Dadding It

Because Posh Totty Designs' workforce is 95% female, there are only two dads in the whole company! Both are dedicated fathers and good sports: Mark, our Finance Manager, to his two daughters, and our Operations Manager, James, to his two boys. But in their experience, what's being a dad like?

James with his sons posing for the camera

PTD Operations Manager with his sons on Brighton seafront. 

Father's Day image quote card by James

Q: What's most surprised you about fatherhood?

JAMES: It seems to come naturally. I was always told I would make a good dad but it’s not until you try it that you actually know.

Father's Day image quote card by Mark

Q: What's your favourite thing to do with your kids?

JAMES: Just hanging out with them, really. I do football on Saturday morning with my eldest and we have this mutual understanding (I think). He does it because he thinks I like watching football (I don’t), and I go to it because I think he enjoys doing it (I'm not sure he does). Either way, we are out for a few hours having some father-son time. We’ve just started sailing and that's fun because they seem to enjoy it so much.

James and his sons sailing Father's Day image quote card by Mark again

Q: How do you unwind from the hurricane that is parenthood?

JAMES: Glass of wine or two while getting the kids too weed the garden!

Father's Day image quote card according to Mark

What are your favourite memories and experiences of fatherhood? Or do you have any stupendous memories of your own dad you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you!