Hello sweet Eleanor. Now, which pocket can we find you in at PTD?
Hello. Yes. My job is to check the quality of the jewellery. There are lots of different designs, so my checklist is quite long. I especially enjoy the spell checking aspect as seeing the sweet messages people personalise their jewellery with. It's a lovely feeling when I polish and package things like Secret Message rings that say Marry me! I like to imagine where he or she will be when they open it. So far we haven't had any sent back, so I think that means everyone's said ˜yes'.
We have featured your gorgeous, unique handwriting throughout our blog and our Brighton shop windows. Did your teachers embrace your writing style at school?
Thank you. I didn't really join up all my writing at school. I unconsciously went through quite a few handwriting styles before this one appeared and took my fancy. But I do remember my teachers not embracing my customised uniform style.
What else can we find you doing in your spare time?
I play in a band called Prince Vaseline. I love making music, going to gigs and listening to bands old and new. I also like to make tiny collages. I just finished making album artwork for my band's record. But like my writing, I find it hard to make art that's not very small scale, so it took me ages to do a composition the size of a CD. Over the past couple of years I've become really interested in the weather! I didn't realise this was happening until I started to notice my collages always feature clouds and rain, and my lyrics were about nature our environment.
As we've just celebrated independent venues week (see #IVW15), do you have a favourite venue to play?
Well just last week we played a gig at the Marwood Café and it was so lovely. I like the intimate venues where everyone has to squash in. Those are always the warmest! I also love The Albert and The Old Market in Hove.
What is your favourite Posh Totty Designs product?
My favourite product is the Hugs And Kisses necklace (I think because they're miniature!) I have one that's a single disc and it's personalised with SNOWY. I love the snow. To find out more about working at Posh Totty Designs click here