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International Women's Day Sunday March 8th

International Women's Day Sunday March 8th
International Women's Day Sunday March 8th

An impressive 90% of the gang at Posh Totty Designs are female and can be found in every pocket either designing, making, marketing, human resourcing, business developing, dispatching, and (party) planning amongst a magnitude of other things, it's no surprise we have a very inspirational female (VIF) boss.

Knowing early on Alice wanted to make meaningful keepsake jewellery that the wearer would cherish and love, (rather than fashion jewellery that is 'in fashion' one moment and out the next) was key to her business plan. She was one of the first jewellers to realise there was a market for handmade personalised jewellery and went gung ho for it with no financial backing.

Alice was brave enough to start her venture from home whilst raising 2 young boys and her evenings were spent tirelessly making jewellery. It took an enormous amount of persistence, determination and knockbacks to be recognised in her field. Alas, Posh Totty Designs was born and 10 years on it has grown to be the successful Limited company it is. Posh Totty is proud to be a predominantly run female business, International Womens Day reminds us just how far we have come in the last century and how lucky we are as women to have the freedom and independence that the suffragettes fought for us.

Brighton is alive and kicking with plenty of inspiring women, look at what some are doing for our communities... Zoella

She's on Celebrity Bake Off, made The Telegraph's "40 best beauty bloggers list" and has her name stitched across many a teenager's beanie and clothing. Zoella might be taking a break from vlogging but she's certainly still influencing our minds. She was recently included in the 2015 Debrett's 500, listing the most influential people in Britain, under the New Media category. She has been an inspiration to young women not just in beauty but other issues such as bullying and mental health problems.

Zoella is a contestant on this years' Great Comic Relief Bake Off Caroline Lucas - In 2010, Brighton made history when the majority of votes led to the election of Caroline as Britain's first Green MP. Brighton Pavilion voted for a gutsy, radical and independent voice fighting for locals in Brighton and Westminster.

Ali Smith “ Brighton Festival is major and attracts people from all over the globe with Brighton Fringe, The Great Escape and The Artist Open Houses all being a part of it. This year the guest Director for 2015 is Ali Smith. Described as an ˜heir to Virginia Woolf,' her books have won and been shortlisted for many awards. Speaking recently for the Festival, we just love her determination to keep the arts being taught in state schools. Her Booker prize nominated novels include The Accidental and How To Be Both. Brighton Festivals Guest Director Ali Smith

Hazel Thompson - We are proud to say Hazel is part of the Posh Totty Designs family. Fun cousin to Alice, Hazel recently visited Posh Totty Designs for a one to one master session to teach us some of her amazing photography techniques to apply to our product shots. We were so honoured! Hazel is an award-winning photo journalist. In the last decade, she has taken up assignments worldwide in over 40 countries for media organisations for The New York Times, ABC News, Vogue, Five News, The Sunday Times and the Observer magazine to name a few. Her most recent achievement is a film titled "TAKEN" which exposes the disturbing truth about India's sex trafficking sub culture. You can read more about Hazel here