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Let's Hear it for the Girls

Let's Hear it for the Girls
Let's Hear it for the Girls

When the opportunity to team up with the increible Women for Women International arose last year, we jumped at the chance. The plan was to design a piece of jewellery from which 100% of profits from sales went to the charity to help them continue their work rebuilding the lives of women survivors of war. After immersing herself in their work, PTD MD Alice headed out to Kosovo to see first-hand how Women for Women International were helping women regain their independence, dignity and reassemble their lives. Greatly moved by the experience on her return, and struck by the incredible warmth she received from all the people she met in Kosovo, Alice wanted to capture that feeling of unity, support and acceptance. The Personalised Share A Hug Necklace was born.

Indeed, the women Alice met on her trip were beyond inspiring, both the benefeciaries of Women for Women International's work, and the charity's facilitators. It's no coincidence that it was Women for Women International who were the drivers behind the #SheInspiresMe campaign, a hashtag you'll be seeing lots of over the next week or so, and it's got us thinking: what awesome public figures will scoop the PTD Wonder Woman votes for 2017? We found it hard to choose, so we decided to pool our collective choices and picked our Wonder Women at random. In no particular order, here are the girls we think run the world...

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

This goddess needs absolutely no intro as to why we think she's awesome. Talented, compassionate, and tactfully outspoken, Meryl is all about speaking up for people who don't have much of a voice. One thing's for sure: we certainly don't think she's overrated...

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama

Michelle wins our vote any day of the year. Uber intelligent, with a knack for speaking out clearly and encouragingly, this lady is bang on in touch with reality and made - in our opinion - a first class First Lady. Barack is one lucky guy to have this awesome human as his wingwoman.

Laura Kenny

Laura Kenny

The amazing Laura was Mark, our Head of Finance's choice in our Wonder Women poll. Here's what he says about her: "She's the most decorated female Olympian (4 Gold medals). She beat loads of fashion and film celebs to win Harper's Bazaar's 2016 Woman of the Year. My daughter watches her races and looks up to her. Britain's greatest female cyclist ever."

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres

We absolutely love this woman. She's ROFL funny, she's generous, and she's kind. She's bust through a few barriers too; barriers that were way overdue a kick in the teeth. No surprises that one of the last honours President Obama gave anyone was The Medal of Freedom to this wonderful woman.

Mhairi Black

Mhairi Black

There's definitely something about Mhairi! She's the youngest MP in the House of Commons since 1880, and is a beacon within the emerging generation of politics. She's completely unintimidated when it comes to saying her piece, and sets an incredible example whether you agree with her politics or not, whatever your leanings: women and politics DO mix!



And an honourable mention goes to the one and only B-girl. Because she's Beyonce. The end.

Pssst! Discover our charity Share A Hug Necklace HERE and help us help women all over the globe rebuild their lives in the wake of war.

Personalised Share A Hug Necklace

The Kintsugi Collection

Crafted from Sterling silver, our Kintsugi-inspired jewellery collection contains a selection of handmade rings, necklaces and bracelets which can be hand stamped and personalised to create a true one-of-a-kind piece.The jewellery not only looks beautiful and powerful but also celebrates our resilience and reminds us to embrace our flaws.