Back in the autumn last year, the wonderful social enterprise charity, Team Domenica, got in touch to ask if we’d consider welcoming some of their candidates on work placement. We leapt at the opportunity!
Team Domenica’s work placement programme aims to help individuals with learning disabilities gain experience and skill development from a range of industries to help them find sustainable working opportunities. For the last few months, Posh Totty Designs has enjoyed having help from keen-as-mustard candidates Lara and Domenica once a week, in either our busy workshop or our buzzing Creates department. But while they now know loads about us, we thought we ought to find out a bit more about them. From dream jobs to the dream holidays, we asked Lara and Domenica to tell us what really makes them tick…
Domenica, the gal who gave this amazing social enterprise its name, shows us what she's made of!
Domenica, 21
What’s your ultimate dream?
“I’d love to be a performer, or work within the performing arts. I love singing and dancing, and I can do a triple cartwheel and the splits. My ultimate dream would be to be in Wicked on Broadway – I’d be Glinda. Or maybe Belle in Beauty and The Beast.”
What’s your proudest Moment?
“Being able to go to work with my friends. It makes me feel included.”
“I’ve got three dogs, two Chihuahuas called Samson and Delilah, and a terrier called Peugeot.”
Ultimate holiday / place to visit?
“Definitely Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to try wearing a bra made of coconuts.”
Tell us something random.
“I’m extremely competitive!”
Team Domenica candidate, Lara, strikes a pose.
Lara, 20
What’s your ultimate dream?
“I’d like to be a model. Fashion is my thing, I love clothes and makeup. Although I wouldn’t want to design clothes – I just want to wear them! I like acting too.”
What’s your proudest moment?
“I think it was doing the necklaces here! I love working with the jewellery.”
“I’ve got loads! I’ve got one dog, two cats, a pony, loads of goldfish, two donkeys, and lots of black sheep.”
Ultimate holiday / place to visit?
“I’d really love to live in Scotland because my brother is there at university, in Edinburgh. And Canada! I’d like to ride around Canada on a motorbike.”
Tell us something random.
“My dad looks like George Michael and my mum says that that’s the only reason she married him! Oh, and he was an ugly sister in a pantomime once.”
Find out more about Team Domenica and the work these guys do over at their website HERE, follow their Twitter HERE, and give them a like on Facebook HERE!